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Love Me with Literature

A soon to be Chemistry Graduate who also has a passion for books.

Currently reading

Flowers for Algernon
Daniel Keyes
Progress: 96/311 pages
Little Bee
Chris Cleave
Progress: 6/266 pages
Aesop's Fables Translated by George Fyler Townsend
Aesop, George Fyler Townsend
Progress: 38/89 pages

Here and There

Today I decided to start reading Little Bee by Chris Cleave. I'm also currently reading Aesop's Fables but reading fable after fable tends to get a little monotonous. I want to get the most out of them so reading a whole bunch at one time without taking the time to really think about the lesson defeats their purpose in my opinion. Anyways. I tend to buy most of my books from thrift stores. And if you were ever to see my vast book collection you would find that most of them bear a Goodwill or Salvation Army or Half-Price Book sticker still stuck haphazardly along their bindings. But I'm also a huge supporter of e-books! But I do only tend to buy an e-book if it cheaper than the actual book itself. I do download a lot of books that are now in the public domain and are free for my kindle through different sites. I also on occasion buy a few books here and there through amazon. One thing that I don't do often anymore is buy from bookstores. And it's a shame. At one point my dream job was to own my very own bookstore. But bookstores are becoming…dare I say it, obsolete. And also I love chemistry. Anyways. a person's got to keep up with the technology. And in my opinion. If a person is reading. Who cares how or where they get their reading materials. Reading is reading! And a persons imagination shouldn't be limited to paper pages. BUT…when I can afford it (being a super poor college student and all that will soon be forced to start paying back her student loans…) I do on occasion try to support book stores. And that's where I bought this book. Bargained Priced. But it still counts.